Monday, January 30, 2012

Very Captivating True Story ....

Trust is one of the fundamental that keep relationships going...I wouldnt say that to this particular incident...She is totally excused from the circle of trust.Meet Shanita .Shanita Namuyimbwa has acquired many nicknames like Black girl,Bad luck,mad black in recent months..She came out of nowhere, and hit headlines when she rented Club Rouge in Kampala to give an extravagant 22nd birthday party in July. Guests went shopping for black clothes on her expense, then attended the all paid for party in Rouge. The birthday-girl arrived in a black limousine. Pictures of this party soon spread; Uganda had a new celebrity.
But the young lady without a clear profession and massive amounts of cash started to raise eyebrows. Last month she was arrested after her British ex-boyfriend, David Greenhagh, filed a complaint against her. Shanita and David own the Daveshan real estate company. Black allegedly stole three million euro from the company while David was abroad.
She was born in 1989 in a very humble family in Zanna Namasuba a Kampala suburb. She went to Midland primary school in Kawempe and Uganda Martyrs College Namugongo. Due to lack of funds, Black couldn’t go on with education and opted to sell second hand clothes.

Close sources claim that she also dabbled in the fresh-peddling trade to make ends meet. Her favorite place was rock gardens on Speke road where she met British national David Greenhalgh. The two got talking and by all indications, David appreciated the services and chose to enter a committed relationship with Black.

As the pounds started rolling in, Black shifted from her broken down apartment in Makindye behind Calendar rest house and rented a posh house in Kansanga where she stayed for three months until she realized that she was pregnant with David’s kid. She delivered a baby boy. After the delivery that Black traveled to Hong Kong with the idea of importing bales of second hand clothes and she claims that is when she struck gold.

Much has been said about the source of Black’s obviously fat bank account. Others claim that she is a drug dealer enjoying the rewards of the illicit trade while others say that it is from former her boyfriend, David. Apparently he sends 100,000 Pound per month.

However Black revealed to us that it is her Hong Kong second hand clothes business that gives her all that money that she splashes like an oil heiress. She has even ventured into real estate business and is the owner of Defshan Development Uganda limited.
She might have pulled herself from the biting poverty of Katwe Kinyoro zone where she was once a resident but Black has not forgotten her friends. The generous Black is always willing to open her mighty purse for old friends. She is known to stun them with Shs 500,000 for lunch or even more. She always throws lavish bashes where people go away with party favors of money, clothes, or even trips to South Africa.

New socialite on the block Bad Black aka Latifa Black might have started out at the bottom of the rung but she is having the last laugh as she enjoys a life of extreme privilege.
The thickness of her wallet leaves the other socialites like South Africa based seer Zari Hussein, former party animal Judith Heard, model Salma Nassanga and Meg Lusembo green with envy.

Black owns three posh mansions in the exclusive Munyonyo neighborhood valued at 4bn and drives a brand new BMW X6 2010. She is slowly building a reputation as Kampala’s most fun-loving and generous socialite.

She is always surrounded with pals whom she actually pays Shs 3m per months for partying with her. Black and her crew can always be found in Club Silk, Rouge, Serena Misty bar and Equator bar Sheraton as long as the doors are open. Regardless of the fact that she is Muslim Black loves her clothes very skimpy and provocative has a weakness for anything and everything alcoholic.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do wolf men exist??

I do enjoy watching The new  moon eclipse,wolf man and all that vampire stuff....I tend to find them very intriguing and normally i compel  my husband to sit down and watch them.Trust me ,he is not a fun at all...Yes maybe he will join in because of the settings,the popcorn,chocolates ,potato chips but munching all these down,hmmm he totally dozes off..he he he...Who would blame him.I mean he only appreciate to watch Action  movies...he  disowns fantasy ,Sci-fi movies and  fictional movies,saying that they are  boring...So i am writing down this piece of article  for him and for some one out there who thinks like him.I believe you have heard about the legend of the werewolf, the creature whose monstrosity is fueled by the light of the moon. Who lurks around in the darkness of night thirsty for blood? Well, scientists now believe some of those wolf-like characteristics were themselves fueled, not by the moon but by genetics.So i guess my husband is right after all. 
Danny Ramos Gomez  who lives in Mexico has a condition called hypertrichosis, in which the body produces an abnormal amount of hair.The 22 year old and his brother Larry who is 25 years old  are known for their daredevil feats in a Mexican circus.They were part of a freak show as WOLFCHILDREN.
Apart from that they live their daily life as normal but i guess they never get to experience that when they go outside.Dr. Luis Figuera of Mexico's center for Biomedical Research, is an expert in hypertrichosis. He has studied people with the condition, like this baby, for more than 20 years. Dr. Figuera: "This kind of hypertrichosis as shown in this family is very rare.So far he knows that there are two or three family around the world.Read more on the link below

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I did not know i had a twin sister.i should maybe call my parents to confirm this or my sister and brothers....He he he..It might be one of those family secrets....seriously...Any way jokes aside..Misheal Morgan is a famous actor and it happened to be that we kind of look alike..Infact i never knew this til yesterday when my close friend posted it to me on facebook.So I asked my husband and agreed on that.What do guys think?


Simple beauty belongs to the eyes of the beholder.What happens when the beholder happens to be you and when you look at the mirror you dont like what you are seeing????Will you opt for surgery to get something fixed???Before you do that ,check out this.

                                             Jocelyn Wildenstein.

Once upon a time, in the late 70’s there was a beautiful women named Jocelyn Wildenstein. Jocelyn really had it made. She was a fresh-faced mother of two and married to an extremely rich art dealer. That is until she caught her husband in bed with a 21 year old Russian model. Now, any normal person would just leave her husband and take all of his money with her, right? Not Jocelyn Wildenstein! Instead she decided to win back her husbands love and make herself more beautiful by going under the knife. Well, her husband left her anyways, but Jocelyn will always have her plastic surgeon.
Known by the press by the nickname of "The Bride of Wildenstein" --a reference to The Bride of Frankenstein--, Jocelyn Wildenstein has allegedly spent almost US$4,000,000 on cosmetic surgery over the years, ending up as one of the worst and most famous cases of plastic surgery addiction. 

Hang Mioku
Hang Mioku ,a woman from Korea who had her plastic surgery done at an early age of 28, and since then she continued this awkward trend of having a plastic surgery done every now and then. This obsession went out of hand until one day she decieded to  inject cooking oil in her face with an injection provided by a doctor of Korea. Hang Mioku initially moved to Japan after having her first surgery. This migration was basically to carry forward her objective of having more surgeries on her face as the doctors in Korea refused to perform any more surgeries on the face of Hang Mioku. Repeated cosmetic surgeries resulted in enlargement and disfigurement of her face. However, she did not stop looking at the mirrors and admiring herself.
Thanks to  Korean TVviewers ,after seeing the report they  took mercy on her and sent in enough donations to enable her to have surgery to reduce the size of her face.  After several other surgeries her face was left greatly reduced but still scarred and disfigured, a true challenge for korean plastic surgery.

                                                             Donatella Versace

                    Sorry to say this but truly even money could not have bought her beauty back.The platinum blonde fashion designer Donatella Versace  has gone through some drastic changes thanks to awful plastic surgery, turning herself into a caricature.The fashion icon who took over his brother Gianni Versace has always had big lips, the oversized upper lip indicates that fillers, like collagen, have been used liberally. For a 53-year old, Donatella’s skin is very firm, indicating a possible facelift. She probably also uses dermal injectables like Botox to eliminate wrinkles, even when she smiles. Her tight face is a strong contrast to the loose skin on the rest of her body. And yes, Donatella’s weight loss also revealed her breast implants.

                                               Michaela Romanini

Meet italian socialite Michaela Romanini . Another plastic surgery gone wrong, this lip collagen abuser is only 40 years old, and became famous after her many surgeries.Jeez!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Did u know facts

Did you know Elvis's middle name was Aron
Did you know Bill Gates began programming computers at the of age 13
Did you know Madonna and Michael Jackson were both born in 1958
Did you know Isaac Newton invented the cat door
Did you know Einstein slept 10 hours a night
Did you know Sir Isaac Newton was 23 when he discovered the law of gravity
Did you know Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors
Did you know Elvis Presley made only 1 television commercial
Did you know Shakespeare invented the words 'assassination' and 'bump'
Did you know Tiger Woods' real first name is Eldrick
Did you know it took Leonardo Da Vinci 10 years to paint Mona Lisa
Did you know before beginning his movie career Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto Canada
Did you know Chevy Chase's real first name is Cornelius
Did you know between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney was awarded 35 Oscars

Did you know there is no such thing as a naturally blue food
Did you know honey is the only natural food which never goes off
Did you know M&M's chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie
Did you know that you burn more calories eating celery than it contains (the more you eat the thinner you become)
Did you know the only continent with no active volcanoes is Australia
Did you know toilets use 35% of indoor water use
Did you know the fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco
Did you know Koalas sleep around 18 hours a day
Did you know the average speed of a skydiver is 200kph (124mph)
Did you know the first Burger King was opened in Florida Miami in 1954
Did you know all insects have 6 legs

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How He Proposed to me

Yes i would say it was really romantic the way he proposed to me. It may not be the Kim Kardashian way but it was indeed romantic and really intimate. Instead of airplanes and horses, he really took a different approach. you are all wondering..yeah let me start up already.

Yes,my charming prince proposed to me in a bed of roses.He could not have done it better than this.I remember it was during Mid summer in July.Of course my husband knows how to calm his nerves so i could never tell that he was up to something.I already knew we were going to the cabin,so I packed mostly shorts , t -shirts ,mountain shoes and yeah jeans.Little did I know....Any way  when he returned from work,he insisted that I had to pack up a beautiful dress.Hmm, still no hint. I thought hmmm... why do I need to dress up to go to the cabin? I knew we were going for mountain camping. So we went, trust me it was a very cozy cabin. I was really impressed. At that moment, I felt it was just me and him. The romance was in the air... The cabin had a fire place where we sat in front of could not be better than that, right? Did I mention that my husband is really a good cook...he he he he...any way that day, i guess i would have thought of him differently. We had earlier gone to the supermarket and did some shopping before we had gone to the cabin. So I saw Kangaroo meat and we decided that we wanted to taste it because I thought it would have nice taste like the reindeer .
Reindeer is a popular meat here in Norway just like monkeys in Congo...he he he come to think of it, I have eaten bush meat. I have eaten reindeer,so i should not judge the ones eating a monkey. My bad :)
Any way back to my story,so my hubby was preparing the food while i fell a sleep on the couch.Hmmm.the sweet aroma.Any way he woke up with a kiss and yeah he had made a very delicious meal .The problem was it was Kangaroo meat...It was also his first time, we were freaked out to try it out. We counted to the count of three and tried it out together.Thank goodness he also had prepared reindeer dish. After eating we ended up drinking wine and we sat in front of the fireplace...
My husband dragged me to the bedroom .My goodness,when did he do all this?. It took me by surprise.I guess i was sleeping. There was candlelights everywhere, and roses on bed and he had a bouquet of red roses. It was so beautiful...He was all saying all the right words.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Today before you say an unkind word

Had to share this... There was a blind girl that hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She told her boyfriend, “If I could see the world, I’d marry you”. One day someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn’t expected that. The thought of looking at him for the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left her in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying; “Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.” This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what our life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations. Today before you say an unkind word – Think of someone who cant speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food -Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about complain about your husband or wife – Think of someone who’s crying out to GOD for a companion. Today before you complain about life – Think of someone who went too early to heaven. Before you complain about your children – Think of someone who desires children but they are barren. Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn’t clean or sweep – Think of the people who are living in the streets. Before whining about the distance you drive -Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job – Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another -Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down – put a smile on your face and thank GOD you’re alive!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My one and only!!

 I know its been a while now since we talked ,but i just have to get a few things straight....Well over the couple of years its been hard for both of us...with the breakup and the fact that i have been cheating on you :(..
The thing is i decided to start weaving my hair ,extensions and wearing lace fonts not because i don't love you...I do, but you have to remember me and you were having a rough time.
It all started when you decided not to grow anymore and you became hard everyday combing. You became a battle and i was always running late to my errands because i took so much time on you,we talked about it and we decided to perm and straighten you but then again you started breaking little by little and did it from the front where everybody could notice how our relationship was not going on so well.
I don't fully blame you but i could say it was also caused by the climate change,but then again i tried conditioning you oiling you i tried everything so that we may have the good relationship like we did,but all was in one day as i had gone to a therapist at the saloon i met Miss weave ,she was beautiful and i decided to try her out she was everything i needed she was smooth and i could style her whichever way i wanted ,the minute i stepped out with her she grabbed so much attention everybody loved her and said how beautiful i looked with her .i met her sister the lacefontwig who was also so beautiful and she came in all colors all sizes to choose from .
I had a fantastic time with them not realizing that i had neglected you so much,,,then one day i decided to drop in and say hallo and i realized you had left gone completely and it was all my fault i am sorry natural hair
 i would love us to start all over again from the beginning and this time round i promise to take good care of you i will wash you,condition you...i will oil you i will Google all the necessary details to having a healthy natural hair i will pay more attention on you i know its going to be hard cutting you down but think of it as a new start for both of us

with love
 your head

Monday, January 16, 2012

Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter.i love my life and so should you!

 I wont say that i dont complain,infact i nag the people around me.Its always about this or that.Its like i want this or that and it seems its never enough..he he he..hey am only human ,but today i sat down and watched one amazing man giving a speech.Yes his name is Nick Vujicic.If you dont know him,you should look at this video.You will probably come out with a positive mind,Damn,damn ,damn,he is such an inspirational man.Any way like i said my friends,lets appreciate what we have because you are who you are meant to be and no one can fit in your shoes.
  Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Some of their houses will be bigger. Some will drive a better car. Their children will do better in school, and their husband will fix more things around the house. So let it go, and love you and your circumstances. Think about it! The prettiest woman in the world can have hell in her heart. The most highly favoured woman on your job may be unable to have children. The richest woman you know, she's got the car, the house, the clothes~ but might be lonely. So, love who you are. Look in the mirror in the morning and smile and say,'I am too Blessed to be Stressed and too Anointed to be Disappointed!'' Winners make things happen~Losers let things happen. 'Be blessed ladies and pass this on to encourage other woman. To the world you might be one person, but to me you are special!
Check out this video of NickVujicic. I cried and cried and cried.Very inspirational,if not then its just my hormones.Check it out.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

To you my Darling.

I never knew love til i found you.You just know it when you are with the right person and thats you my sweetheart.Today this space i want to dedicate it to you.I love you very much André Jørgensen.
 You are the single most important person in my life. One thing I have come to realize is that love is not always happiness. There are tears, anger, confusion, fears, but at the same time there are smiles, laughter, joys, and understanding. All of those things can happen. That's why love is such an emotional thing. You can feel so many different emotions at the same time. That's why it's so overwhelming. But I know one thing... I would not take back any single thing. Everything that has happened between us happened for some reason. And us being strong and making it through this, it only shows that our love is strong enough to last a lifetime.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I am sure we all wonder about our health.We all wish to live longer to be able to see our great great grandchildren.Though courisity kills a cat,it got the best of me and become obsessed on what to do to live longer.I know it is not our choice but we can surely try to figure out on people who have lived longer on what they say.So fasten your seat belt as i take you through this journey :)

A major source of antioxidant of lycopene that reduces  the risk cancer by 40%.Yes tomato eaters function better mentally in old age and suffer half as much heart disease.


My friends OLIVE OIL tends to reduce death from heart diseases and cancer.Recent research shows that heart attack survivors on a Meditereanean diet had half the death rates than those on ordinary low fat diet.


Red grapes have moderate antioxidant power,while purple grapes juice has four times more antioxidant activity
than oranges or tomato juice.So my people drink grape juice.


German researcher found out that Garlic has antioxidants that help fend off cancer and heart disease and all over aging and prolong cancer survival time.

Spinach helps to fight cancer,mental disease and heart disease.

7.Whole grains

University of Minnesota suggests the more whole grain you eat,the lower the odds of death by 15 %.

8.Salmon and other fatty fish

Contains high amounts of Omega 3 that perfoms  miracles throughout the body,fighting virtually every chronic disease known.

Just by eating 5 ounces a week can cut heart attack deaths in women by 40% and help prevent deadly irregular heartbeats in men,thats according to research carried out in Havard University.

10.Blue berries

After many years of research on blueberry antioxidants and their potential benefits for the nervous system and for brain health, there is exciting new evidence that blueberries can improve memory

Friday, January 13, 2012

Did you notice ,its Friday the 13th?

  Friday the 13th occurs when the thirteenth day of a month falls on a Friday, which superstition holds to be a day of bad luck. In the Gregorian calendar, this day occurs at least once, but at most three times a year. Any month's thirteenth day will fall on a Friday if the month starts on a Sunday.i have quoted the exact words from Wikipedia.
Lets see why its considered a black day.

1.Friday has been considered an unlucky day because, according to Christian scripture and tradition, Jesus was crucified on a Friday.
2.Black Friday has been associated with stock market crashes and other disasters since the 1800s.

3.There is also a superstition, thought by some to derive from the Last Supper or a Norse myth, that having thirteen people seated at a table will result in the death of one of the diners.

4.The connection between the Friday the 13th superstition and the Knights Templar was popularized in the 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code. However, experts agree that this is a relatively recent correlation, and most likely a modern-day invention. 

However according to me,i do not believe in bad luck,juju or superstitions because i believe in Jesus Christ.I know and trust that God has sheltered and covered me,my family and friends  with the blood of Jesus.
So do Friday the 13th have any impact on you?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Reasons why i would not eat a MONKEY.

Well  everyone knows i love food.Any way i know very well they are food which are NO NO to me but i do respect those one who consider bushmeat as food and believe me i dont wish to start any argument but seriously i rather starve to death...Monkeys.
Sadly enough ,trade in bushmeat is a growing industry, and is spreading across the globe.  While some may find it satisfying and a  fine dining connoisseurs , i find it a serious threat to the existence of both wildlife and humanity. International airport have found out that many immigrants who live abroad are importing them in large amounts..I strongly oppose to it and the dangers here are diseases may exchange between humans and wild animals are some of the most dangerous, and are often hard to control.

Angela represents just one of many levels of the bushmeat trade. Many in central Africa, and elsewhere in the world, rely on bushmeat as a protein source in the absence or failure of livestock and crops. Trade in this form is considered “subsistence”, where as fine dining has fueled an even riskier commercial demand. Both subsistence and commercial trade in bushmeat pose serious health risks and are a grave threat to biodiversity.

I remember once i had a conversation with an Africa from Congo.i was seriously shocked when he told me that they do eat monkey,so i decided to do some research on it.After i carried out my research cos i thought he was joking,i really found out shocking details.
Young boy suffering from monkey pox (photo credit: Dr. Robert Shongo)

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has seen a recent surge in monkeypox, which kills roughly ten percent of those infected, has virologists concerned that the virus may begin to transmitted from human to human. The disease is initially transmitted from exposure to wild animals, usually primates and frequently through consumption. However, given time in a human host, a virus can potentially mutate into a form transmissible from human to human. This is the part that concerns the experts and me..
I consider it unclean food,of cause i have a list of what i consider forbidden food but thats for another day folks.’s-also-disease/’s-also-disease/

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blue Ivy Carter already getting special treatment:Other new parents are stop to see their babies

The Superstar couple could not have welcomed Blue Ivy in a more glamorous way.Beyoncé and her hip-hop hubby, whose real name is Shawn Carter, rented out the hospital’s entire fourth floor for $1.3 million, the employee said.A very pregnant Beyonce checked into the upper East Side hospital Friday night under the name “Ingrid Jackson,”
But  one new dad was fuming over the velvet rope in the maternity ward that kept him away from his twins.Neil Coulon, 38, of Brooklyn said the stress of his wife delivering two premature girls was tripled by Beyoncé’s bodyguards treating Lenox Hill Hospital like an exclusive nightclub.

Coulon griped that he’s been repeatedly barred from the sixth-floor neonatal intensive care unit, once for 20 minutes, by the superstar couple’s private security.

Coulon insisted he wasn’t the only new parent upset by the hip-hop hassles in the hospital.He insists and says “This is the NICU. Nobody cares if you’re a celebrity. Nobody is star-gazing. They just want to see their children,” fumed Coulon, whose wife, whose wife delivered two premature and underweight girls on Wednesday.
However,Hospital spokeswoman Anne Silverman said she had not personally heard of the complaints and insisted that the hospital We take patient satisfaction very seriously.This was the first time she was hearing about the accusation.
I am thinking is it fair ?Should Coulon sue the superstars and get alot of money from them .I think he should just brush it off and concentrate on his twins .
Would love to hear your opinions,if it had happened to you,what would have done with this bad economy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Yes i have cooked Kaimati..welcome guys

Want i recipe,yes i have it.. I remember how i used to enjoy these kenyan  Sweet Dumplings when i was young...i would really save up a bit and ran to mama Shiko to buy them...Hmmm..the sweetness,the sweet aroma scent..yes i have made them today and yes they really taste good.Enjoy...

3 cups white flour or
2 teaspoons yeast with a pinch of sugar ( mixed )
2/3 cup yogurt
1/2 cup warm water water
oil for frying

1.Add to flour a little salt, water and the yogurt, and mix to a thick batter.
2.Leave aside for six (6) hours.
3.Mix the yeast with the sugar and warm water, leave to ferment.
4.Add the yeast to the batter and mix until batter peaks; leave aside for a further three hours.

Method of Frying:

Heat the oil.
Shape batter into little balls, and put them a few at a time in the hot deep oil and fry until golden brown.
Dumplings should be entirely covered with oil during frying.
Take great care as the oil will splash during the course of frying.
When frying is complete soak the dumplings in syrup and serve hot.

The Syrup (Shira)

2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 tablespoon rose water
juice of half a lemon

Put the water in a pan with the sugar and place over a medium heat; bring to boil and allow to boil for ten minutes, removing the froth as it appears.
Add the lemon juice and leave to simmer for ten minutes; add the rose water.

check out more


Today i had a conversation with my sister...Ahem!finally after a long time.It was so nice to talk to her,so we talked about everything from gossip about Beyonce giving birth  to baby Ivy blue to nothing.Any way it led to another conversation which led  me to wonder,should we ever trust our friends?. .So it goes on like this.Over the weekend my sister went to buy a calling card,when she was at the cashier, she heard a lady crying and speaking in both Swahili and Kikuyu. She could tell by her voice she was in she waited for her to finish and ask her if she needed help..when she was done she said hallo and asked her if she was ok,using the world greatest lie she said yes she was fine but my sister insisted that they go for a cup of coffee, that she may open up and she did..the lady told her  she has just arrive in Europe and she was married with German man.Wambui was her name.Well the thing here is that ,Wambuis marriage was organised by her so called friend who was her neighbour in Africa.Lets just name the neighbour Jane for the sake of it.Jane was visiting home from Germany.She had an established life and married.Wambui  agreed with Jane that when Jane returns back in Germany she helps her get a german man.So she did that and she got finally a man for Wambui.Wambui was still  in kenya but chatting with that man over the internet for over 6 months.Finally the man decided to fly over to Africa to marry Wambui.She had  to remain in Africa while the documentation for her to come to german was in process.She was studying german while still waiting for her visa to be finalized.Jane then came back to Africa with some documents and told Jane  to sign and surely she trusted her dearly and she did that.The thing is she signed the papers which written in German which she didnt understand it fully.Finally she went to europe .After some months Jane  visited Wambui  and she is now demading for 5000 euros claiming the chick signed papers to pay her if she found him a husband...Wambui is confused  and she does not know what to do. The husband feels betrayed and is questioning her if she married him for love. My sister would love to help her but honestly ,she  does not   want to mislead her...pliz people what should this lady do and are there laws that could favour her?.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


                                                      1.    Birthday Suit Wedding

Yes,yes,yes,i have got my facts right! Ellie Barton and Phil Hendicott  decided to exchange their wedding vows not wearing anything but their wedding rings.They were 250 guests who were invited to witness their special day.It was no ordinary wedding.

The Australian couple  were married in a ceremony they won from a local FM radio station B105.
 If you're looking for ideas and inspiration to save money on your wedding, but still want it to be stylish and chic, then look no further...Seriously :)
If you want to read more and see more photos ,follow the link below

                          2.The couple who got married inside a shark tank

When these couple sworn through thick and thin,they took their vows seriously and literally.

April Pignataro and Michael Curry of New York City  decided to get married inside a shark tank..   The bride wore a white wetsuit and the groom wore a traditional black wetsuit as they climbed inside a 120,000 gallon shark tank to take their vows at Atlantis Marine World in Riverhead, N.Y. Both are experienced divers and were protected by a cage as sand sharks, nurse sharks, eels and a giant grouper circled around. They wore scuba gear and mikes that broadcasted their words to each other, as well as to friends and family. They said their “I dos” over a radio transmitter with an officiant who did not get in the tank.The wedding took place in New york in June 2010.
'Well i hope them the best in their marriage:)

                               3.Til Death do us part

Even death could not stop this heartbroken mother  to "marry" her murdered fiancé in Oxford's John Radcliff hospital morgue. Irish father-of-two Kevin Lavelle, 29, was viciously battered with an iron bar in a gruesome gang attack while working away from home to raise money for his wedding to fiancée Michelle Thomas. Now that is true true love.For more you can read at this link

        4.Roses are red violets are blue, Sugar is sweet and so are you!

The  Groom Xiao Wang 24 and bride  Xiao Liu could be more happier to have their fairtale wedding. Mr. Wang spent a year's salary on buying 99,999 red roses for his bride,for their wedding conducted in Chongqing, central China, where the number 999 is considered to be a good luck omen.He advertised on internet and he only need 30 cars and people to help him stick the flowers.

When he asked about where he got the idea from,he responded that his wife always loved those special flower and so the idea grew from it.The bride was really surprised and perplexed.Amazing Amazing..'I mentioned a year ago I would like a romantic wedding; I can't believe he remembered, but it was amazing.
The best part yet to come was when they decided to donate 20 percent of the cost of the flower to charity to get even more good luck.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yes lets all drink up :) Non alcoholic drinks,both safe for breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women.

Yes lets all drink up! Why do i say that...perhaps due to the fact we are all winners to be alive today.We should all toast to that...nothing can top that,so whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding,let it be no excuse not drink up.
Here is a recipe for Pregnancy-safe cocktail recipes:

Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri

This perfect drink virgin daiquiri (strawberry or whatever fruit suits your fancy) is tangy and thirst-quenching. Plus, because it's fruit-flavored and blended, you're less likely to notice the missing alcohol. Go for fresh strawberries  ladies .I prefer them over frozen; the flavor will be much better.Trust me :)

3 ounces frozen strawberries in syrup (or fresh, if available)
1 ounce fresh lime juice
  1 teaspoon sugar
Cracked ice

First fill a blender with cracked ice.
Then add lime juice, strawberries, and sugar.
Blend until smooth, then pour into a chilled glass.
Garnish with an extra strawberry (if you have one) or an orange slice.

Enjoy it .Ask a couple of friends to join you....have a ovely day

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Someone told me..Dr. Chris Hart said its the high time women accepted that "the other woman" is an inevitable creature...DO YOU CONCUR considering this came from a psychologist, Dr. Chris Hart? :-(

So i am sitting down and seriously laughing my ass off:) sorry should i feel pity for these women..I am from watching a talkshow tv programme...Seriously...A man is on the show with four wives..he married them each secretly without each one of them not knowing.Now the women are scratching their eyes out claiming that their marriage are legitimate than the other.The thing here is ,no one is blaming the guy..No no no...when will they start realising that it is his fault and not the other one.

The show gets better..yes you are right ,sometimes i do watch Dr.Phil...that dude knows what he is doing.He calls up Mistress..the show was about them.He looks adequately into the thoughts of THE MIND OF THE MISTRESS...One of them proudly say that she is not ashamed of being a mistress,infact she lives a comfortable and glamorous life.She has everything and she blames it on the woman married to that man.She says she does not satisfy her...he he he...seriously!

Any way i am sitting down thinking,do wives to these men not notice the signs like their men are cheating.let me help you out ladies.

1.His cell phone has become his second shadow

2.Behavioral changes. A cheating man frequently becomes defensive when questioned about his whereabouts. He may turn it around to accuse you of being insecure, possessive or snoopy.

3.A cheating man may smell of perfume, smoke or alcohol, especially if he hasn't had time to change them from meeting with her.

4.Cheating man becomes more short-tempered because of the guilty feelings as a result of the infidelity. Things that usually did not bother them suddenly start bothering them.

5.He changes his physical appearance. A cheating man usually starts buying new clothes, gets a new hair style or begins working out because he wants to be attractive to the other woman in his life besides you.

Any way i wont be checking on my man collar for lipstick mark cos i trust him and love him and trust him.

Once you know if your man is cheating or not, make sure you have a plan of action that you will take after you accuse him. You need to decide whether it's time for you to move on or whether this relationship may be worth a second chance.


Just like the turtle,i am not angry at her,i am just dissapointed in her.Today i had an episode with my friend.I was not at all amused.
Hmm..does two wrongs make a right...lets see ...NO!Hell No!
Seriously i thought when you go to school ,you learn to be civilised,respect value of humanity and dignity of humankind.
Well my friend today ,i wont mention the name but she was poked by a certain white man and she went whole ballistic calling them names that all white people are useless human beings...those were her words,so i decided to confront her on that matter.I am truly hurt cos my family are from that son is half black and half white.So i told her that i am not defending the person who was poking her but she should not put all eggs in one bracket and say such things like all whites are useless human beings.I was shocked by her response.....Huff..i am burning out with range,so let me cool off....

Funny enough she has a son...what will she be impacting on her son....then i was really attack by her friends saying that whites are racists and i am not a good friend ....
Any way i am better than that..i decided that iwill not indulge myself too and comment cos i saw it was a platform to promote hatred and racism...
 All i know is that we are all human beings and we should be judge based on our characters not our skin colour.I know white people who have adopted African kids and they treat them as their own..I am sorrounded with amazing people...yes they are whites..and whether they were mexicans,indians,africans,whatever race,i will treat them with dignity and respect....

Just happy to have you Alexander in my life

Well i am looking back and thinking how lucky i am to have such a wonderful life,well i can say i am blessed to have such a wonderful and loving husband and my heaven sent angel Alexander.I am lucky to have good health,,love and all i can think of... its fascinating ,i stands strong,unshaken and a woman of substance because of you!!! love you baby.