Monday, January 23, 2012

Did u know facts

Did you know Elvis's middle name was Aron
Did you know Bill Gates began programming computers at the of age 13
Did you know Madonna and Michael Jackson were both born in 1958
Did you know Isaac Newton invented the cat door
Did you know Einstein slept 10 hours a night
Did you know Sir Isaac Newton was 23 when he discovered the law of gravity
Did you know Leonardo Da Vinci invented scissors
Did you know Elvis Presley made only 1 television commercial
Did you know Shakespeare invented the words 'assassination' and 'bump'
Did you know Tiger Woods' real first name is Eldrick
Did you know it took Leonardo Da Vinci 10 years to paint Mona Lisa
Did you know before beginning his movie career Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto Canada
Did you know Chevy Chase's real first name is Cornelius
Did you know between 1931 and 1969 Walt Disney was awarded 35 Oscars

Did you know there is no such thing as a naturally blue food
Did you know honey is the only natural food which never goes off
Did you know M&M's chocolate stands for the initials for its inventors Mars and Murrie
Did you know that you burn more calories eating celery than it contains (the more you eat the thinner you become)
Did you know the only continent with no active volcanoes is Australia
Did you know toilets use 35% of indoor water use
Did you know the fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco
Did you know Koalas sleep around 18 hours a day
Did you know the average speed of a skydiver is 200kph (124mph)
Did you know the first Burger King was opened in Florida Miami in 1954
Did you know all insects have 6 legs

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