Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Someone told me..Dr. Chris Hart said its the high time women accepted that "the other woman" is an inevitable creature...DO YOU CONCUR considering this came from a psychologist, Dr. Chris Hart? :-(

So i am sitting down and seriously laughing my ass off:) sorry should i feel pity for these women..I am from watching a talkshow tv programme...Seriously...A man is on the show with four wives..he married them each secretly without each one of them not knowing.Now the women are scratching their eyes out claiming that their marriage are legitimate than the other.The thing here is ,no one is blaming the guy..No no no...when will they start realising that it is his fault and not the other one.

The show gets better..yes you are right ,sometimes i do watch Dr.Phil...that dude knows what he is doing.He calls up Mistress..the show was about them.He looks adequately into the thoughts of THE MIND OF THE MISTRESS...One of them proudly say that she is not ashamed of being a mistress,infact she lives a comfortable and glamorous life.She has everything and she blames it on the woman married to that man.She says she does not satisfy her...he he he...seriously!

Any way i am sitting down thinking,do wives to these men not notice the signs like their men are cheating.let me help you out ladies.

1.His cell phone has become his second shadow

2.Behavioral changes. A cheating man frequently becomes defensive when questioned about his whereabouts. He may turn it around to accuse you of being insecure, possessive or snoopy.

3.A cheating man may smell of perfume, smoke or alcohol, especially if he hasn't had time to change them from meeting with her.

4.Cheating man becomes more short-tempered because of the guilty feelings as a result of the infidelity. Things that usually did not bother them suddenly start bothering them.

5.He changes his physical appearance. A cheating man usually starts buying new clothes, gets a new hair style or begins working out because he wants to be attractive to the other woman in his life besides you.

Any way i wont be checking on my man collar for lipstick mark cos i trust him and love him and trust him.

Once you know if your man is cheating or not, make sure you have a plan of action that you will take after you accuse him. You need to decide whether it's time for you to move on or whether this relationship may be worth a second chance.

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